Call for Sponsors

WordCamp Glasgow will be the city’s first WordCamp. As a not-for-profit, volunteer run event, we are seeking sponsors to help us put on a brilliant day. Sponsors cover the costs of venue hire, catering, swag, printing, the speaker and volunteer dinner, and the afterparty.

WordCamps are not-for-profit, which means that we only accept funding that is needed to put on the event and no more. We close the call for sponsors when our projected operating costs are fully funded, so get in while you can!

By sponsoring WordCamp Glasgow, you show your support for the WordPress project, you also contribute to the growth of our local WordPress community. As a sponsor, you’ll also gain unique visibility in a global diverse tech community.

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Call for Volunteers

The Call for Volunteers is now closed.

Thank you all who came forward to lend a hand! 👍🏽

Volunteers keep WordCamps running – sometimes literally. They support the organising team by helping with the dozens of little tasks that go into a successful WordCamp. If that sounds like hard work, it isn’t! Being a volunteer is a rewarding and fulfilling experience. It gives you the opportunity to meet and speak with attendees, help out with speakers, organisers, and be part of a brilliant day.

WordCamp volunteers need no previous experience. All you need is energy, enthusiasm, the ability to think on your feet, and a love for the WordPress community.

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